The Cycle Together Cycling Programs aim to coach and empower Londoners to cycle for leisure and transport.

Our free 4-week and 4-month cycling programs include in-person cycling coaching and weekly led bike rides. Alongside building new cycling skills, participants will be introduced to a vibrant and supportive cycling community.

Open to individuals aged 18 and over, both programs are tailor-made for those seeking to boost their cycling confidence in London, improve their health and fitness and build lifelong friendships.

The Cycle Together Cycling Programs are run in partnership with Cycle Confident, with grant funding from Sported UK.

*Complete this form by 31 January 2024 to register your interest*

Who is the Cycle Together Beginners Cycling Program for?

Both the 4-week and 4-month programs are free and are for anyone who feels nervous cycling in London and is looking for a cycling community. If you are new to exercise or returning after some time off, these programs are for you. Our mix of in-person and online sessions are designed to make you feel better physically and mentally as well as help you make friends in the community.

Places are limited and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

When and where?

Both programmes start on the 3 March 2024.

Bike rides and workshops will be held on the weekend.

Cycling training sessions (intervals and

Workshops will be held at the Cycle Confident Mechanics Workshop, situated 3 minutes’ walk from Oval tube station, 1-3 Brixton Road, London SW9 6DE.

The weekly instructor-led rides will also start from the Cycle Confident Mechanics workshop.

I don’t have a bike, can I still take part?

Yes! We will be partnering with bike hire companies to enable you to have access to a bike throughout the program.

What to expect on the 4-week program?

Weekly in-person rides, bike skill sessions, mechanic workshops, outdoor activities, new friendships, fun and greater confidence cycling.

Time commitment:

4 weeks – Weekend bike ride and workshop for 2-3 hours

What to expect on the 4-month program?

Weekly in-person rides, bike skill sessions, mechanic workshops, outdoor activities, new friendships, fun and greater confidence cycling. A key aim of this program is to encourage the group to ride without an instructor, in months 3 and 4 (May and June) instructor-led rides will be biweekly.

Time commitment:

Month 1 – Weekend bike ride and workshop for 2-3 hours

Month 2 – Tuesday/Wednesday evening hill or interval session for 1 hour; Weekend bike ride for 2-3 hours

Month 3 – Tuesday/Wednesday evening hill or interval session for 1 hour; Weekend bike ride for 3-4 hours

Month 4 – Tuesday/Wednesday evening hill or interval session for 1 hour; Weekend bike ride for 2-3 hours

I’m interested in the 4-month program but I don’t know if I’ll be able to complete it…

We run the programs at the same time so the first month of the 4-month program is the 4-week program. If after completing the 4-week program you would like to take part in the 4-month program, you will be more than welcome to join! We want to make sure you’re having fun on the bike so we want your cycling journey to be driven by you.

What happens after the program?

Our partners will support with access to a bike, so you can keep cycling and having fun.

How do I apply?

Please register your interest by completing this form by the 31 January 2024.

Places are limited and will be filled on a first-come first-served basis.

We can’t wait to see you there!